As a registered charity, our purpose is to support and promote the work of artists and artisans in various visual, craft, and performing art forms.

As a charitable organization supporting arts and culture in a community context, our mandate is to offer a platform for artists working in a broad range of media and at many career stages. We offer exhibition opportunities to emerging and unrepresented artists, as well as inviting established artists to share their work in our unique historical building and community context.

As a community-oriented organization, we have refocused our attention on raising awareness of, and introducing the community to, cultural diversity and appreciation. We see our cultural role as a way to facilitate mutual understanding within the community, through workshops, lectures, events and more.

Upcoming Events

Proud Community Partners

We want to acknowledge the continuous support of the Ontario Charitable Gaming program. Thanks to this program, we are able to pursue our mission to offer a variety of artistic and cultural events/activities to the community, and to educate, inform and raise awareness through the arts and culture. When you play, the community wins!

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